Summed up to four letters.... HARD and that's why they call it "On the Hard" Captain Gord is already givin orders and most of them start with there I am patching and painting 110 ft of flakey hull. That's sanding, filling, sanding again and then painting, twice. The permanent crick in my neck means I'm doomed to be forever looking up. Oh well I guess that means I'll see
that seagull #&^*> before it hits me on head.Oh No! and there I am again, only this time I'm what's up. Up the mast that is! No one mentioned that the lightest crew member is the one that gets hoisted instead of being the hoister. Terrific view from up here if you're into making lemonade from lemons. Might as well enjoy.
Now, Guess who's "Workin on the Chain Gang", not me this time. That rusty old pointy thing that holds us to the bottom of the Ocean when we want to party or sleep is attached to no less than 300' of chain that must be inspected and cleaned if we want to keep partying and sleepin. But only if you want the boat to stay in the same spot.
Otherwise just skip it and be ready to discover new shorelines.
Otherwise just skip it and be ready to discover new shorelines.
The end of a "Hard" day, means a trek across the boat yard, duck under the hole in the fence, dance over the rocks with the surf lapping at your feet, while dodging the tree branches that seem to come alive just as you pass, then across the beach and up to our little luxury room ...... ours is the bottom pink one on the right. Ah Home Sweet Home!
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