by dinghy today for our first day at the beach.
There's a couple of cute beach bunnies,
very pale bunnies I might add, but working on a tan
Honeymoon Bay was wonderful. There is a sailboat moored up close to the beach, about 40is ft long and there is a family that lives aboard with 5 kids ranging from 6 to 14. How do they do that??? and why would they want to??? However they do have this wonderful playground at their doorstep. Heidi's a well know cruiser spot is set up on the beach serving everything form fries to Pina Coladas. There are some tall palm trees shading the beach and every Monday night a huge sheet is strung between the palms, chairs are placed in rows, Heidi's gets the popcorn poppin and its movie time, Caribbean style. What a life!!
We decided we'd head to Brewers Bay for the night in hopes of a smoother nights sleep. So anchors away!We sure don know how to show our first guests a good time and that we know what we’re doing.
Bob’s getting a tutorial on how easy the windlass pulls up that anchor. Whoops!!! What the heck is that??? Sure doesn’t look like any anchor I’ve ever seen. Now were adrift between the yachts and the cruise ship dragging a what with us. A trailer?
Gord kept telling me that if I brought too many shoes with me then he’d have to tow a trailer behind the boat. He couldn’t have been serious, Could He????
Not everyone can mange to snag the only trailer that’s been submerged in the bottom of the anchorage in West Gregerie Channel.. Bring on the shoes!
Next the challenge. Of how to free the anchor and give the trailer back to Davey Jones. Took 4 guys collaborating a strategy. For my part I had to just drive the boat and keep from hitting anything, especially anything expensive. Piece of Cake.

Our Thanks to Bill - on "Dream Maker" and Scotty -on "Silver Streak" for their help in the untangling process.
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